The West Front
Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States
I had a BLAST with the band The West Front when they came in to perform for the blog, gulp, back in February!!!! Boy, was I pregnant.....Now, I'm not and VERY excited to be back into the Homegrown Spotlight segment of the show:) We will be filming new bands, and old bands with new music, but in the meantime, I wanted to give some love to the band, The West Front!
These guys were HUGE WDHA fans, and supporters of my show, so of course that definitely helped me love them from the start. In person, amazingly talented, and equally fantastic in the personality department! They are extremely passionate about what they do, and "go-getters" as well. I'm a huge fan of their music, and very proud of all of their accomplishments. ........In fact.....They will be performing 8/5 at the Stone Pony show with Bush/Chevelle!!! How awesome is that?? They have promotional tickets as well, so feel free to shoot them an email on their Facebook page here, or their website.
The West Front also have a SICK video for their track "Only the Hero" in which you can watch it HERE! How easy did I make it for you;) Please give these guys some well deserved love, and check out another acoustic track from the band below! - Lindsay Klein
The West Front came in this week to film for the blog, and we had a BLAST! Chris and Eddie did a phenomenal job performing for us, and were a pleasure to get to know as well!!! They were so nice, that they even designed a "West Front" Band Tshirt for me, with a yogi and a guitar to say "This mom Rocks!". I love the shirt, almost as much as I love the band!
Please check out their acoustic performance, after our sit down interview below! In addition, for more information on the band, head on over to their website! They have a new EP " Only the Hero" due out this spring as well. I'm a HUGE fan of the band as musicians, and people! Anyone who can dance like Chris, is "A-OK" with me!
LINDSAY: How long has The West Front been a band?
THE WEST FRONT: Good question. Chris and I started playing out together, as early as 2001, under the
name "The West Front," but Tony and I have been playing together since 1999. So officially, since 2001.
LINDSAY: How did you get the name for the band?
EDDIE: When it was time to come up with a band name, I tried to be as honest as possible. Tony and I first started to perform together back in high school... at a couple of different venues on West Front Street in Red Bank. So it only seemed fair to acknowledge where this all began, and it all started on "The West Front."
CHRIS: I remember sitting and writing name after name. I came up with
Red Lines... I’m sure there was more detailed meaning behind it at the time, but I do remember thinking the meaning would be about never stopping when you get stuck at that
line or red stop sign. I also remember Eddie coming up with Blue Discover…
and well, I still have no clue about that one. After hearing about his idea for
The West Front, I liked it for the simple reason, that it could be just as cool as STP.
LINDSAY: How would you describe the band's sound? Have you ever been compared to any national well known bands?
EDDIE: I think early on, when it all started, friends would joke around that we sounded
confused, like "Dave Matthews meets Metallica." I think that was just a byproduct of having an acoustic songwriter who wished he sounded as good as John Mayer, backed by a hard hitting drummer who thought he was Morgan Rose, and looks like Vin Diesel. We also
had a bassist at the time (my brother Nick) who wished we were playing reggae. So yea, we were confused.
CHRIS: Early on I do remember people saying we sounded like Dave Matthews. As time
has gone on and we have developed our own sound, people have made mention of Nickelback...Pearl Jam (the band after the grunge days lol).
LINDSAY: What goes into the writing process? Is it one person with an idea, or do you work collectively?
THE WEST FRONT: Generally speaking, Eddie writes the songs and lyrics on the acoustic, then brings them to the table. That's when the songs really come to life. From that point on, it's completely a team effort. Chris and Tony are very vocal, and have strong ideas and a great sense for song structure and the rhythm parts. We've also recently started to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with our producer and close friend, Arnie Brown. "I also rely heavily on the opinions of my dad and younger brothers, who aren't afraid of being honest with me. So although the songs are born on the acoustic, becoming full fledged
songs that make it to an album, is completely a team effort" (Eddie).
LINDSAY: I know you have an EP coming out this spring, do you have any other EP's or albums from the past out there? Will you continue to make new music?
THE WEST FRONT: Yea, we currently have another EP out called "Lost My Fire," that was recorded back in 2013. This was our first album with Nemati back on bass (It's available on iTunes, Amazon, Soundcloud, Spotify, etc). We also did a couple of other EP's early on ("Airport Parking Only," and "587") during the years when Eddie's brother Nick was still with the band.
"And to answer your other question, yes. I can't foresee us ever stopping. I'm always going to have that need to write, and Chris won't leave, so.. I guess I'm stuck with him. I think that's because we're doing it for all the right reasons. We honestly love playing together, whether it's at a rehearsal, or its playing together in front of thousands at Starland Ballroom. I've honestly tried to put down the guitar, and you know, grow up, but always seem to come right back to it. Writing songs allows me to let my guard down, and to be honest with myself. It's a bit like therapy."
“Damn right he’s stuck with me. It’s a bromance at it’s finest!”
LINDSAY: What would be the main goal of the band?
THE WEST FRONT: Obviously to play on Lindsay Klein's Homegrown Spotlight.
Other than that, to not forget why we're doing this. To truly enjoy playing together, and to write music that might inspire someone else to do the same. It's only fair. Others inspired us, and now it's our turn. All too often grown ups and parents tell their kids that they can do whatever it is they want if they put their minds to, but fail to lead by example. We want to lead by example, and play on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. And we want to do so as a "local unsigned band" with regular jobs. For no other reason, than to inspire some kid out there who might be watching to push the boundaries, to change the rules of the game" (Eddie).
CHRIS: I would agree. I love playing music. I love listening to music. Music helps
me with so many things in my life. As you know, I have had some hard times as of late… but the second I take my thrown… all gone. Power, passion and excitement when I start playing. People always ask me "Why do you make all those faces when playing? Why do you have your head down alot of the time and eyes closed?" I am lost in my own world when I start playing. I want someone who is having a hard time to look up on stage at me and enjoy the passion… enjoy the sound… and just forget what is bothering them. Even if it is just for a few minutes. Everyone deserves some kind of happiness. I have had many close friends and even complete strangers come up to me after a show or after hearing a song somewhere and tell me…Your music is amazing... I love this song or that song… It really meant something to me… Hearing people say things like that is the goal. Knowing that myself and my brothers have made someone enjoy life.
LINDSAY: Aw, thank you for the compliment, and I loved having you on the show! Obviously, I've seen Chris's dancing skills, what does each member of the band contribute,
character wise?
THE WEST FRONT: Chris is our Rockstar. Like, he's not pretending. His look… always having a beautiful woman (women at times) around him… meeting and hanging with all the famous acts out there… he’s a machine. Eddie is the dreamer, who actually thinks he's going to play on The Tonight Show. Eddie has the perfect look and the attitude to make those dreams a reality. And Tony is the best musician in the band, who knows the industry well. He is our realist, and brings Eddie back down to Earth, and keeps his drummer and singer from killing each other. Chenz, well, he brings the Rolling Rocks.
LINDSAY: If each member of the band was a celebrity or superhero, who would they be, and why?
THE WEST FRONT: Clearly Tony would be Emilio Estevez. The simple fact the he looks just like him and coaches ice hockey. Chris would either be Donkey Kong, Animal, or Vin Diesel. No need to explain. Chenz, perhaps Charlie Chaplin, because they both have nothing to say. And Eddie would probably be Spider-Man, just to hang upside down and kiss Mary Jane.
LINDSAY: Where do you guys get most of your inspiration for your music?
THE WEST FRONT: When we were younger, I'm sure we emulated or tried to sound like our favorite bands, but now our inspiration comes straight out of life, our experiences, our joys and heartbreaks. It comes out of observing things through a different lens. Internalizing our experiences, taking a step back, and finding the commonality in
it all.
LINDSAY: If you were signed tomorrow and were asked to quit your jobs, would you do it?
THE WEST FRONT: Chris would, in a heartbeat. He was ready to quit his job and
go on tour when we opened up for Fuel, or when he found out we were performing on Lindsay Klein's Homegrown Spotlight. Eddie and Tony on the other hand have families and mortgages, so probably not.
CHRIS: I’ll convince Eddie if need be. And as long as I can show
a legal document showing Tony’s wife we will be getting paid and sending money home, Tony is game.
LINDSAY: Where do you guys like to gig the most? Do you have any tours in mind as a goal?
EDDIE: We play out a lot in Asbury Park (The Saint, The Stone Pony).
I lived there for several years and love the scene.
CHRIS: I love the Saint and Pony because of our relationships with
the owner’s and promoters, Scott at The Saint and Kyle at The Stone Pony. I loved playing on stage at Starland Ballroom.. sound was killer. I would love to play a stadium… particularly
Red Rocks Park & Amphitheatre.
LINDSAY: I love featuring acoustic tunes because it really showcases your raw talent, had you ever done something like this before? Would you want to do it again?
EDDIE: Yes, but never just with Chris. The songs are all born on the acoustic guitar,
so I actually prefer playing our songs that way. We would love to do it again sometime, live in the control room. Perhaps we'll visit 105.5 the day before we play on Fallon.
CHRIS: I have never done a performance acoustic until now. And it was great. Loved
the entire time playing and hanging with you and Johnny. I will do it again for sure… can’t wait to do it on your show again.
LINDSAY: Make some new music and come on back after the baby is born! I'll even get on the camera for the interview next time! Give me one horror or horribly hilarious story about a performance?
THE WEST FRONT: You mean like when we opened up for
Johnny Gallagher Jr… the curtain opens, and Chenz forgot to turn his amp on!?... He stood there strumming his guitar, but no sound came about. Or maybe when Chris had his photographer buddy Mark shoot us at The Stone Pony when we opened up for
Tom Keifer; only to later find out that it was Mark Weiss, legendary Rock photographer who's photographed everybody in the business.
LINDSAY: If a band just starting off in the industry came up and asked you for one piece
of advice, as a local original band, what would you tell them?
EDDIE: Don't quit your day job. And, if you aspire to play "big shows," learn how to
sell tickets. Kidding, kind of. First off, play because you love playing. When it stops becoming something you love, stop playing. Then I would tell them, to decide whether it's just for fun (a men's softball team) or if it's something more then that. If
you want to play with the big boys, you have to start acting like one. There are no shortcuts. You can't do it alone. You need to assemble a team of talent behind you (essentially what labels do). From photographers, to producers, to videographers, booking
agents, graphic artists, website developers, a beautiful radio DJ, etc. Record your shows and rehearsals. Learn to rehearse to a click track. Be overly critical. Does your band look like a band you would follow? Would you buy your own album? Would you go out
on a rainy Wednesday night to see your own band? Personally, I knew when I answered "no" to all of these questions, that things needed to change. So, to summarize all of that... love what you're doing and decide why you're doing it. Find your "why?"
CHRIS: Play your f***ing a** off. Beat your drums. Break those strings. Yell until
you can’t yell anymore. And when people tell you to be quiet… or say you’re wasting your time… get a real job… you’re no good… PLAY HARDER AND LOUDER. Play music because you can. And let the world either love you or hate you. But remember when your playing,
play that music because you love to… more than anything in your world. Don’t let someone judge your talent like those stupid shows on TV. No one can tell that you can’t do what you love!
LINDSAY: Time to promo all that is The West Front, tell us anything you'd like to add about yourselves and all of your social media outlets where our fans can find you!
THE WEST FRONT: Check us out at:
The West Front
Home page of The West Front, a group
or "Like" us on www.facebook/thewestfront
We're also on Spotify, Soundcloud,
YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and iTunes.
@TheWestFront on Twitter
@thewestfront on Instagram (#thewestfront,
#twf, #crazyaslove, #hotdrummer)
Check out our music video for
Crazy As Love
on YouTube and our website.
Shout outs to Damian Dazervin (our
photographer), Scott Stampler (The Saint), Kyle Brendle (The Stone Pony), Mark Weiss, Arnie Brown (our close friend and producer; owner at The Jam Room in Howell, NJ), Ben Puglisi (DAA Entertainment), Jeff Crespi (friend and photographer) and to the one and
only LINDSAY KLEIN (Uh… even though we are talking to you right now)! #babyontheway #eatcake - Lindsay Klein
Vocals & Rhytm Guitar: Eddie Fernandez
Drums: Chris Skolsky
Lead Guitar: Vinnie Bruno
Bass: Tony Nemati
Where you can see them live next: Tuesday, December 15th at Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ with Fuel
This week on Jersey Rock get to know The West Front, a four piece heavy alternative rock group from different towns across New Jersey. The band was featured a while back when Maria Mar was host of Jersey Rock and this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night at 11:30 we'll catch up with The West Front and play a different track off their 2013 EP Lost My Fire. The West Front are currently in the studio working on their new release and you can see them live at their next gig opening for Fuel at Starland Ballroom, December 15th with New Theory. They'll also be playing at The Brighton Bar in Long Branch, NJ on January 9th opening for Dizzy Reed (of Guns N Roses) with members of Danzig, Type O Negative & Quiet Riot.
Grab your free music download of "Crazy As Love" by The West Front here and watch their music video for the song below. - Nikki Black of 95.9 the Wrat
ALLENTOWN, Pa. - They're a four-piece alternative rock band based in New Jersey, and they're making quite a name for themselves...all while managing to give back to their community. The guys from the hit band, The West Front, are gearing up for a big event called "Benefit for Bella" at Christian Brothers Academy (850 Newman Springs Rd.) on Friday, April 10 at 7pm. 11-year-old Bella Link McGovern suffers from severe epilepsy as a result of a rare disorder called tuberous sclerosis, for which there is no cure. Her mother, Bethany, is a single mom trying to provide for her three children and get Bella the medical care she needs around the clock. "Benefit for Bella" will honor Bella and help to support the family through music. Local artists The West Front, The Antics, Borialis, Frank Lombardi, Jake Tavill, Chris Brown, Vincent Cocito, Brett Russo, among others, have volunteered their time and will be performing throughout the night. Christian Brothers Academy has donated the venue space to support the family, and area businesses are graciously providing raffle baskets, all in support of Bella. The event will be hosted by Jaclyn Costanza Rizzo, a friend of the family. "Benefit for Bella" is a true example of a community coming together to help its neighbors, and we were so excited to welcome Eddie, Chris, Vinnie and Tony from The West Front to 69 News at Sunrise to give us a preview.
Read more from WFMZ.com at: http://www.wfmz.com/entertainment/musicmonday/music-monday-the-west-front/32084896
Connect with us... Facebook/69WFMZ or @69News - Eve Russo: Copyright 2015 WFMZ-PA
It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means! Other than the fact that your work week is halfway done, it means we are ready to chat local music. I am glad you guys have been checking out the bands I have been spotlighting, and hopefully they are making it to your playlists! Tons of local acts are really branching out of the area as of late, going on tours, playing with national acts, and establishing themselves in other areas of the country. Super cool, right? I love getting messages with bands breaking news to me so I can share it with you all! That being said, I have some awesome groups rolling through Jersey Rock this fall, so keep your ears and eyes peeled.
Now, while on the topic of awesome bands, I wanted to bring one to your attention that has got my juices flowing. They go by the name of The West Front. Now, you may have heard of them already, for they have been active in the scene for over 10 years. However, with some lineup changes, new tunes and a strong determination to keep the band alive, they are still keeping it moving in the local scene. It’s funny how bands can become somewhat resurrected over time, and this is a perfect example for me.
From what I read off their bio, they have hit some highs and lows as a group, like many out there. However, they stuck together and landed up where they belong: right on top. They are an “alternative/acoustic/rock” act from New Jersey, and state that like everything from “Metallica to Nirvana.” That alone makes me interested, for that genre range of influences is pretty diverse! I have yet to experience this band live, and I am so excited that they recently announced they would be playing at Monmouth University’s home opener this year on Sept. 14. Live music and football you say? I feel this will be a perfect show for them, as they can attract the ears of not only parents, but students as well. This will allow for a nice, diverse group and age range of new fans that may not have ever had any sort of intention of catching this band live. I cannot think of anything better than that, so sign me up! Any time you are at a place that you aren’t expecting to see a live band, and then one shows up, it’s always a recipe for a good time. They also seem to have a lot of cool things planned for the fall, so be sure to check out their Facebook and ReverbNation pages to keep up with their touring.
Upon first checking out this band, I sampled two tracks entitled “Crazy As Love” and “Remember When.” These songs are very strong, and although they are definitely rock, they find ways to augment that standard rock format. I cannot put my finger on it, but something about this band sticks out. Their songs are tight, concise and inventive. I then proceeded to spin “Sunday Morning” and “Lost My Fire,” which also threw me for a loop. In addition to rock swag, The West Front also have poetic-like lyrics, amazing lead vocals, hard-hitting guitars and a solid rhythm section. Needless to say, after listening to their music a few times through, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot find one song that I don’t like! If you asked me to pick a favorite, I am not sure if I could, but I will try right here. I guess I would have to say that my favorite track is “She Might Never.” It has confidence, synthesis of sounds and a settled direction that really helps make this an essential part of the band’s catalogue. I love the lyrics most of all, as I think that’s what hit me the hardest. It may sound cheesy when they belt out “Remember when she said goodbye,” but at some point in life, this is a lyric that almost everyone can relate to. Plus, the guitar work is simply captivating in parts.
A perk for all of you local music lovers, you can download their entire EP for FREE. Yes, for free. I love when bands do this because it shows they aren’t all about the business. I mean, naturally, yes, we all need to make a living, but letting people sample your music without getting anything in return demonstrates pure passion and love for the game. Even if your feelings are a bit mixed at first with The West Front, experiment with the EP for a little while. It has a great flow along with a great mix of darker tones and a slight hint of that hope that a listener can truly grab on to. This is a CD that is true to who they are: a band that’s here to stay. Even before seeing them live in person or getting to know them at all, I can tell through their music and videos that they delivery diversity, raw energy, honesty and consistent melodies. Although I could see The West Front blending into commercial rock radio flawlessly, their music still continues to be organic and speak for those who may not get their voices heard.
I cannot wait to catch The West Front in early fall and hopefully find out that they are working on some new tunes. Hey, take this as a hint if you are reading, fellas. I am always a fan of bands that like to experiment, so maybe I will be satisfied to find that they are pushing the envelope slightly. As time goes on, I hope their energetic, hard rock will have been lauded time and time again in the high points of their careers with mature progression. Be sure to check out this band for yourself and maybe we can all sit around the fire and listen together. I will be back next week with another act that I am infatuated with, so go ahead and do something to surprise me! Keep the scene alive, because without people like you, it’s nothing.
Producer: Eddie Fernandez & Arnie Brown
Independent Release: 2013
Producer: Eddie Fernandez & Arnie Brown

Based out of New Jersey, the band's lineup includes singer/songwriter Eddie Fernandez and drummer Chris Skolsky. Over the years the band has seen supporting members come and go; but one thing has always remained constant. Chris and Eddie both agree that… The West Front has and always will be at its core the two of them and their love for the music they make together. With that said, this has always been a team effort. Our past members know that they will always be huge part of our TWF family. Hey, they may even get called on for a big show or two!
The guys have spent the last 16 years playing throughout the tri-state area, re-working and road testing their songs. They’ve recently started making a name for themselves… performing live on Monday Morning TV, being featured on 95.9 The WRAT as the Jersey Rock band of the week, performing live on Lindsay Klein's 105.5 "Home Grown Spotlight," nominated by the Asbury Music Awards for 3 categories (Top Rock Band of 2015, Top Drummer & Top Band Photographer) and also have been shot by legendary rock Photographer Mark Weiss, who came out to see the band at the Saint & at the Stone Pony. They’ve also opened up and supported tours for such notable acts as Fuel at Starland Ballroom, Bush &Chevelle, Lifehouse (Inside on the Pony Stage), Tantric, John Eddie, Tom Keifer of Cinderella, Johnny Gallagher Jr.,Switchfoot and Needtobreathe (inside on the Pony stage). "We have no plans on stopping anytime soon, because we're doing it for all the right reasons.”
Band Members