New Haven, Connecticut, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
Sister Funk
Posted by Edwin Bartlett Posted on Friday, January 14th, 2011
One of the things I never really understood is the thought that an all female band just doesn’t cut it. That a band has to to have men on key instruments such as lead guitar, or drums. Think about it. Throughout the history of rock, it wasn’t until the Go-Go’s hit the scene in the early 80's did anyone pay attention to an all female band. Yes, we did have Heart, but they were marketed as “The Wilson Sisters” and were considered just a part of the band. Maybe it had a lot to do with the fact that girls grew up singing and playing the piano, and boys played everything else, and sang. Or maybe, the stereotype of what a “rock band” should be, and how they should behave did not fit the stereotype of how a “Lady” should behave.
I am so glad that that is a stereotype that is rapidly disappearing. And part of that reason is that you have bands like “Sister Funk” not just changing our perception, but totally blowing that stereotype out the window.
As you all know, the best part of my job is traveling the state and seeing the coolest bands in all the various venues. Back in October, my good friend Christine Ohlman invited me to be her guest at The Celtic Rock Festival. When I checked out the playbill, I saw that Sister Funk was on it. I had heard some good buzz on the musical grapevine about them, so I made it a point to get there as early as possible. Unfortunately, I got there in time to catch their last two songs. But what I did see that day was enough to put them at the top of my “hit list”. Lucky for me, they were gigiing out the next week at one my favorite hangs, so I cleared the schedule and made it a point to see them.
Now it’s a Friday night, and I walk in around ten, and right off the bat, I am very impressed. Now, like any band that gigs out, Sister Funk has a specific play list based on the venue they are playing. That’s how it’s done. For me, it does not matter. I like all music, and I have been around the block enough that I listen less to the song, and more to the musicians who are playing. And Sister Funk is a band of musicians. Kathy and sarah are definite pickers on the guitar, peepa does a great job on vocals, and sax, Row lays down a serious base line, Denise also does double duty on vocals and keys, and Kathy beats the hell out of the drums. If you want a referance point for types of music, well that is going be, “what do want to hear?”. Seriously, vocals are reminiscent of Heart, Etheridge, Rait, you name it. Funk, rock, they can do it all. Don’t believe me? Check out there website www.sisterfunk.com and give it a listen. Or better yet, check out their schedule and see them live. Oh, and if you get a chance, get them to play “Barracuda”. They will totally blow you away.
- CT Out And About- Author Edwin Barlett
2005 Grand Band Slam!
Call your boss. Right now.
by Dan Barry - July 28, 2005
BEST HORN PLAYER: Kristina Jean (Sister Funk)
BEST DRUMMER: Amy Blaze (Sister Funk)
BEST GUITAR PLAYER: Evangeline Durst (Sister Funk)
Winners of last year's Readers' Choice award, Sister Funk came up big in this year's Band Slam. And by "big," we mean they swept it. Owned it. Dominated it. They've been screaming around the nation, playing every event from small gigs to huge Women's Fests. "Because we're an all-woman band, we get to capitalize on all kinds of opportunities that other bands with men in the lineup don't get," says guitarist Vange Durst. "But then, we think we're more geared for women's ears anyway." That's Vange's polite way of saying that Sister Funk gets the ladies to rush the dance floor and party their asses off. But they have a sneaky ulterior motive: Sister Funk loves being positive role models as well. They're living proof to girls of all ages that it's OK to rock out. "When I was a little girl," says drummer Amy Blaze, "they were like, ¨Do you want to play clarinet or flute?' And I said, ¨I don't want to play either! I want to play drums!'"
But in spite of all that touring and the success all across the nation, the ladies haven't lost touch with their roots. "We've stayed everywhere, from the top to the bottom," says Kristina Jean of the range of places they've visited. "We arrived in L.A. once, and we were picked up at the airport by a limo with a bartender inside. And then the next night we're playing some dive bar and the crowd's like, ¨Sister Who?'" Keyboardist Denise Troy is quick to add that all that hard work takes its toll. "Our houses are dirty, our laundry's not done¨ We have a deep love for each other, but there have been times when it's been really hard." Not that you'd believe it when you see them on stage. These sisters make the funk seem effortless. Sister Funk play at 10:15 p.m. outdoors at Up or On the Rocks, 50 Union Place, Hartford, (860) 24-ROCKS.
Kristina Jean - Horn, Vocals
Amy Lou- Bass, Vocals
Amy Blaze - Drums
Jen Gallo - Guitars, Vocals
Denise Troy - Keyboards, Vocals
- Hartford Advocate
January 2007 Issue of Curve: Vol. 17#1
Written by: Sonia Kreitzer
Where the ladies at? Ever find yourself on the dance floor, just wishing that the DJ would spin a song by an all-girl group that is not The Pussycat Dolls? Tell the DJ about Sister Funk, the five-piece, all lezzy (that’s right, 100%), contemporary pop-rock band with a Saturday Night Fever flare. You may have seen them rocking out at the Key West Womyn’s Music Festival, the Emergenza Music Festival or on an Olivia Cruise. Provocative, high energy, and entertaining, these women put on a hot show and are now touring the Northeast to promote their latest album, Gossip.
Denise Troy sings lead vocals and plays the keys and Kristina Jean also sings lead vocals, as well as playing the saxophone and guitar. Amy Blaze keeps everything under control on percussion, Jen Gallo is the lead guitarist and Amy Epperson twists out funky bass lines. We recently got a chance to chat with all five ladies on their rise to fame and upcoming projects.
How did the five of you initially get together?
Denise Troy: In 1998, [Amy] Blaze, Peepa [Kristina], and Troy [Denise] answered an ad posted in the Village Voice stating “NY Producer looking for female musicians for a touring cabaret act.” All three of us were selected, and there we met Vange and Wendy [original Sister Funk members]. One night after a Philly performance, we were discussing how incredible our vibe was… We decided upon close of the tour that we would begin on our original project, hence, the birth of Sister Funk. From 2000-2004 we wrote and released two CDS and toured over the United States. In 2005, the band went through a re-org and we found ourselves in search for not only a talented guitar and bass player, but a female — and preferrably, a lesbian.
We put out a national search and auditioned women as far as California (our home base is the East Coast). Unfortunately, it was more difficult than expected. Although there are many talented musicians out there, we wanted and needed the right fit for us. Being in a band is a huge commitment — like being in a marriage with four others but never getting laid.
As irony would have it, Sister Funk won best funk and best pop band in a New England contest and we performed on one of the main outdoor stages. One of our sub guitar players went to the wrong stage and was escorted to our performance area by no other than our Jen Gallo .... Jen mentioned that Eppy [Amy Epperson] (her girlfriend at the time) played bass and would love to try out for the band. Luck? Coincidence? Call it what you will, but that guitar player who went to the wrong stage found our missing synergy.
Amy Blaze: We have become a family in a sense, and that kind of camaraderie has maintained itself over a period of ten years.
How would you describe your overall style and sound?
DT: I would describe it as a potpourri of styles mainly in the pop vein with a rock influence. Our latest CD, Gossip tends to define our song more so than the previous discs. We have been compared to artists such as Scissor Sisters and Maroon 5.
Jen Gallo: Pop Rock with an “edge.”
AB: For color, add a sprig of non-traditional funk served with a radio-friendly twist of Latin.
Two of the tracks on your most recent CD are entitled “Bad Reputation” and “Gossip.” It seems like ideas regarding public image and slander are a big focus on this album. Where does that come from?
Kristina Jean: Gossip specifically focuses on the relationship I have with the people in my life … not my relationship with the public. It’s an examination of my own behavior and others around me. It’s an awakening to the kind of person I want to be; I’ve realized that it’s better to be talked about, than allowing and participating in gossip out of fear. The other eight songs on the CD are about everyday life: keeping a long-term relationship spicy, trying to hang on in this crazy world, having faith, being saved, coming out, leaving unhealthy relationships and just having fun on the dance floor!
As an all female band, do you find that your fan base is primarily female?
AB: Our fan base is diverse; however, we generally cater to a women’s crowd. We have been called “the band that cares” by local agencies on the East Coast for our regular support of women’s charities, breast cancer events and of course, our gay and lesbian community. It is our hope to reach out to new listeners across varied age groups, cultures, genders, etc … inspiring new fans whoever and wherever they may be!
KJ: A particularly poignant moment occurred last year, when an older woman came to me in tears. She explained that she was very involved in the women’s movements in the ??s; she continued to tell me how truly happy she was to see an all female band playing their music.
In what direction would you like to see your music evolve?
Amy Epperson: I would like to see us sharing our musical style and spirit with the world through TV, movies and world tours.
AB: Record deal?...Yes, please.
DT: Yes, a record deal would be nice but it’s more important to me to be able to continue to write, perform and entertain without the threat of losing creative integrity. I want as many people as possible to hear and support our music and would hope that there is always room for the independent artist to hit it big time!
- Curve Magazine
Sister Funk, proved to be one of the hottest, bands in New England taking 1st Place in the Annual Red Door Battle of the Bands Competition, this past June. During the 9 Week competition, New England's original bands competed for the title, $1000 cash prize, studio time at White House Studios and rehearsal space at the Band Room, where Sister Funk stole the title. Three judges rated competing artists on crowd applause, lyrics, showmanship and musicality. Sister Funk swept the competition in all three rounds with damn near close the highest possible score in all 4 categories. Watch out for Sister Funk, this 5-piece all female, rock band is going places. Check them out at www.sisterfunk.com or www.myspace.com/sisterfunkcom - Mixx Magazine
Advocate H A R T F O R D
NEWS & ARTS WEEKLY www.hartfordadvocate.com
July 22 - 28, 2004
Grand band slam 10th Anniversary
Reader's Choice Award: Sister Funk
by Daniel Crisafulli - July 22, 2004
Denise Troy -vocals, keyboard
Tina Jean -vocals,sax
Vange Durst -vocals,guitar
Debbie Seymour- bass
Amy Blaze- drums,percussion
Best described as a mix of funk, rock and pop with a slice of Latin,
Sister Funk likes to keep the music fun. With four years as a band under
their belt, the ladies have played all over the U.S. and Canada. They
formed as a fluke in early 2000 after a New York producer hand-selected the bandmates to score the theatrical cabaret She's a Rebel . Two full CDs and one lineup change later, Sister Funk find themselves opening up for big names like Sophie B. Hawkins and ZZ Top. They start work on their new CD in September
as soon as their summer tour is over. They'll be hitting the road again on Oct. 9 to play the L.A. Women's Music Festival in Hollywood, California. Pig's Eye Pub, 9:45 p.m.
- Advocate H A R T F O R D July 22, 2004
Sister Funk CD Review Januaury 2004
Sister Funk
Reviewed by: Len
National Stonewall society
Troy, Tina, Blaze, Amy & Jenn are back and that IS SisterFunk and a very good thing! This powerhouse of five have sax,keyboard, guitar, bass, drums and vocal harmony to add the funk to theSister power. Fans will rejoice at the sound and have their "sistah" fix. A wonderful follow-up to "Pursuit Of The Groove" the Sisters have the sound, the funk, and the power. Ten tracks strong, Sister Funk delivers as always. Never a let down and always a thrilling musical experience, "Girl" is no exception. The vocal blends are dynamic and filled with passion. Starting strong with "Round & Round" the Sister-vision is expanded to include compelling lyrics, excellent accompaniment, and that thrill which can only be described as "Sister Power". Strong vocal talent as well as instrumental genius is exhibited throughout the entire CD. The guitar solo on "Crucify" can only be described as pure "Sistah'! "Girl" is more on the edge and funkier, as the "Sistah's" go to the next level. The wonder and thankful reaction is that they do not leave us behind. With "Girl" you are on your way to the total funk, which is SISTER FUNK! Get it, and be "sistahfied'!
Check out the sights, sounds, and fun that is Sister Funk on their website www.sisterfunk.com
Equal Pride
- National Stonewall Society (January 2004)
Sister Funk headlines the Key West Woymen's Festival on 9/7/06...
Go to: www.myspace.com/sisterfunkcom to read this sizzling article! - Paradise Newspaper 9/7/06 edition
Still working on that hot first release.

Sister Funk is one of the hottest, 5-piece nationally touring, all-female groups who guarantees to entertain! This crowd pleasing high energy group has tons of experience headlining music festivals, concert halls, colleges, cruises and clubs rocking track off their 4 original, independent CD releases with a 5th anticipated for early 2014. Currently in the recording studio with Phil Greene, associate producer, Engineer who worked with multiplatinum artists such as Bruce Springsteen and New Kids on the Block which sold over 9 million units. Sister Funk's new music is being described as simply complicated. Their music has a vibe of legends like Heart and Journey yet edgy and current like All American Rejects. Over the past decade, Sister Funk has performed at thousands of festivals, clubs, colleges and cruises and have shared national stages with music icons: Maceo Parker, Kellie Pickler, Sophie B Hawkins, Taylor Dane, Salt & Pepa. Sister Funk is honored to have won many awards such as having been nominated for the 2013 CT Music Awards best funk category; 2012 won 1st place in the battle of the Bands at the famous Toad's Place in New Haven; in 2009 won Red Door New England Battle of the Bands contest smashing the competition in every category. Sister Funk's radio friendly music has seen lots of national airplay with their song "Gone" which was featured on the Sirius Out Q's Hot Top 20 chart (for 15 consecutive weeks), reaching #2. Their songs are featured in both television and film. The band members and their music was featured on the DIY network Ten Grand In Your Hand, Renovation Rock episode. Their shows are packed with high energy, hard-hitting, excitement offering a little something for everyone. According to Conch Key West 9/06, Sister Funk gave the most animated rock performance in Women Fest memory; these ladies impressed even seasoned rockaholics. Living up to their reputation, Sister Funk has been voted "BEST POP & BEST FUNK BAND" (2005 Grand Band Slam contest), winners of the 2004 "Reader's Choice" award (2004 Advocate snow slam event) and listed as 1 of the top 10 artists on the rise 2004 by GoNYC Magazine. According to Curve Magazine (12/2006), Sister Funk is provocative, high energy, and entertaining; these women put on a hot show. In 2014, Sister Funk is looking forward to sharing their new music, stage show and hot new look!
Band Members