Mike Frank and Friends
East Orange, New Jersey, United States | INDIE
1-16-2010 @ Pearly Bakers in Easton, PA.
By: Lauren Warner
The first band, Mike Frank and Friends, were a spirited bunch of five who remembered a past era with very groovy covers of The Grateful Dead and The Allman Brothers. Their original tunes sounded original yet recognizable, and the band flowed through numbers effortlessly. Very smooth, experienced, and they all played great with one another. The band featured a couple of drummers and a couple guitars, (The band played electric – but some great acoustic stuff is on their album.) - Easton Irregular
"Chill Out" - Various Artists
"Songs in Quarter Time" - Various Artists
"Yellow Rays" - Debut Album 2009
"You Take The High Road" 2nd Album 2013
The following internet radio stations play various tracks from the "Yellow Rays" album on rotation, and by DJ request. Tracks include "Inside Out", "Gotta Get Away", "Wild Attraction" and "Oh Hey":
91.9 WNTI - http://www.wnti.org
WRFM MontCo Radio - http://www.mc3.edu

Mike Frank & Friends is a NJ/NY-based alternative rock and modern jam band that incorporates both electric and acoustic sounds. Mike Frank’s lyrics spotlight seemingly small, yet significant moments in life, while the full band generates a large audio presence that takes you by the hand and leads you into a familiar dance. Each live performance is personalized with improvisational segments, which take each song to a higher climax. Influences include: Dave Matthews Band, Phish, Moe, Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers and Jimi Hendrix.
“For me, music is a pool,” Mike says of his writing process. “As you go through life, your pool fills; and when it’s full, the music and lyrics create themselves. When the pool empties, you have to let life refill it with day-to-day experiences.”
Since 2008, Mike Frank & Friends has built a solid, local fan base while performing songs from their first album, Yellow Rays, in the tri-state area. Several tracks from Yellow Rays can be heard on a variety of local college and public radio stations throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well a variety of music streaming sites, such as Last.fm and MontCo Radio. Yellow Rays can also be purchased for download at all major online web music outlets including iTunes, Amazon.com, and cdbaby.com.
Band Members