Suzy Jones
Nashville, TN | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF
Bold and brilliant, Nashville R&B artist Suzy Jones isn’t here for your approval, but rather to share with the universe an extension of her soul in brief, but breathtaking tunes. With a voice dynamic as Tori Kelly and an attitude all to her own, Suzy Jones is a artist you must have on your radar. You can check out her single, “At All.” - Highlight Magazine
Diretamente de Nashville, no Tennesse, Suzy Jones me conquistou nos primeiros segundos da música "At All".Com uma voz grave e marcante, a artista diz fazer músicas com emoção, e é isso que você sente ao ouvi-la cantar, e as versões com piano ou somente voz e violão fazem isso aumentar de uma maneira única, sério, ela nasceu para cantar!
Directly from Nashville, Tennesse, Suzy Jones won me over the first few seconds of the song "At All" With a deep, distinctive voice, the artist says making music with emotion, and that's what you feel to hear her sing, and versions with piano or just voice and guitar make this increase a single, serious way, she was born to sing! - Ulige, Brazil
interview + photos by Nolan Knight - Big City Thoughts Magazine
interview by Gianluca D'Elia, photo by Nina Lorenz - White Noise Magazine
August 2015- At All (Single)
November 2015- Mode: Extended Play (EP)
March 2016- Growin' Pains Take One (Single)
June 2016- To Each His Own (Single)

"Bold and brilliant, Nashville R&B artist Suzy Jones isn’t here for your approval, but rather to share with the universe an extension of her soul in brief, but breathtaking tunes. With an attitude all to her own, Suzy Jones is a artist you must have on your radar." Nick Yacovazzi, Highlight Magazine
Upon graduating, she found her place to be in songwriting. Around the same time, she obtained a significant following on social media, particularly Vine. After a semester of hard work, she made her way to Nashville from Atlanta, Georgia. When she arrived she studied audio engineering and music production at The Blackbird Academy. At the same time, she recorded a self-produced EP with her classmates which was funded by her friends, family, and fans on a GoFundMe campaign. Part of that EP was her debut single, At All which made waves on British charts when it hit the shops.
She is currently making new music, promoting her latest releases, and playing sold out shows. Suzy's contrast of an electric personality and soulful, breathtaking music has been a breath of fresh air in the world of music, and she continues to develop a following simply by being herself.
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