Newark, New Jersey, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | INDIE
Now, that's how you start a morning off! Jammin to knowledge with a dope beat!! I ❤ the song! Pure dopeness! - @WuDaWiz
soundcloud.com/rhymageddon/real-rap-remix-1 … U.N.I.T.Y thats what we need World Wide!! Real Rap!! CheCkitout!! dope one, @rhymageddon shud hit the waves - http://twitter.com/ZamoTheIcon
@Rhymageddon An underappreciated commodity in the wasteland of today's so-called 'Hip Hop' Universe -
go ask you b&(ch how my d@#k taste... oooooooo you came in like that? Tears to the Enemies right here.. all I can see is them brows growling on the mic.. you've done it again.... - Isis360
Your set was fire!!!!!! Peace from the bmore fam that came through .....Blessed - Irasempress Bah
SUCKACLIP MOTHAAAFUGGAAAZZZ!!!! peace Geddon.. you fuggin murdered this!!!!!!! - SkrewTape
Rhymageddon has been rocking the mic and destroying stages for years. A powerful and lyrical MC who hates wack rappers as much as us at the 7th Boro. He drops this new track as a “thank you” to us bloggers who been supporting him. - 7thboro.com
Rhymageddon has been putting on for a bit, and decided to show some love to the blogs who have supported. Some of my peers are in there, among many others. Shouts to the god. You can grab "Respect 2 Tha Blogs" via Reverbnation, and be on the lookout for a number of his other projects, including SuckAClip Season Continues (which is due out this summer), the forthcoming video for "Bad Seeds," and the It's Our Turn project from InfPower Music. For the time being, you can check out "Drink It Up." - @Khal
There comes a time where you have no choice but to feel thankful that somehow you helped someone in some way, it’s part of the reason why I continue this site and incredible proof in the push to fight the good fight. Fellow Giant and powerful Jersey emcee Rhymageddon sent over a track called ‘Respect 2 Tha Blogs’ where he took a few blog sites and included us in the track, wow that’s all I got to say… well I have more to say but you get the idea. A Giant thanks goes out the the brother and I wish nothing but the utmost elite achievements in this battle called life to the homie Rhymageddon. I’ve had a chance to sit and politic with the brother one on one on my front steps and on our way to shows, he’s yet another example of fantastic music talent in our own backyard. If you still dont know his music… well it’s about time you found out, listen to the track below and you’ll know what the deal is. - whengiantsmeet
One of Jersey's Greatest! Spit Sarg! #badseeds #crazy! - Rashad Sun
Loving Bad Seeds....Pure FIYAHHHHHHH!!!!! - AntiIndustry
Happy bornday, king. Your flow and wordplay is incredible. Thanks for the good music... Thank u for caring about our artform, our culture. U are a born leader. I wish u many more celebrations. One. Be blessed. - Just Putt
Representing Newark, NJ Rhymageddon has recently made a great addition to the Lyrically Fit family. A seasoned vet, comin correct with an extensive music catalogue and wide array of skills and experience in the industry. Don’t miss an opportunity to catch his live performance at any one of the upcoming Lyrically Fit events hosted in the North East (and beyond!). We eagerly anticipate the release of “SuckAClip Season Continues” scheduled to drop in summer 2014. - Miss Rachel
Thought provoking wordplay and competitive approach. Both MCs are nice on the mic, the element that truly makes this track outstanding is how each visualizes what they feel Hip-Hop needs to become better. - JrBeatMaker
Horsepower Plus Handling (EP) 2009
M.A.S.H.(EP) 2011
Sergeant of Spit (Mixtape)2011
SuckaClip (Single) 2012
All My Friends (Single) 2011
Vaccine (Single) 2012
Premiering - Rashad Sun 2013
Hardcore Poetry - Rashad Sun 2012
The Last Dragon - King RA 2012

Rhymageddon is the voice shaking up the entire Hip-Hop world one listener at a time. Rhyming with purpose is the reason he's the Minister of Information for Newark, NJ bases 24 Hours of Peace, INC with Hakim Green of Channel Live and Ras Baraka; soon to be Mayor of Newark. Fans from the Netherlands to Japan right back to his home state of New Jersey are largely to thank for his 70,000 + song listens and downloads via http://www.reverbnation.com/rhymageddon DJs are begining to recognize Rhyamgeddon's use incisive lyrics to penetrate the minds of true Hip-Hop fans everywhere. For example "REAL RAP" he said "I'm from a land where they lynched men just for whistling" and the 2nd verse where he rhymes from the perspective of a mourner at hip-hop's funeral; while sitting next to DJ Kool Herc at that!! Judging by the comments left on iTunes, it could be Rhymageddon's matter of fact honestly as heard on "All My Friends" (recently cracked 6000 REAL views) that proves his humbleness and team player approach to creating change with his music. On "Illest Bars" he proves beyond the shadow of a doubt he's grown tired of rappers who only rhyme about the materialistic world. Bottom line is Rhymageddon's approach to emceeing makes both trap rappers and conscious rappers equally nervous of their skill set.
Rhymageddon began penning rhymes while attending Myrtle Ave Jr.high in Irvington, NJ but found it difficult to truly develop because his Nigerian father denounced Rap music in the household. Struggle and passion for what he believed in started there. Rhymageddon was forced to secretly record pioneering Hip Hop radio D.J.s such as Red Alert and Mr. Magic while his parents slept. The genre should be proud of the way he observed and respected the art form from afar until he went onto college. It was while at Morgan State University that Rhym aka the Spit Sergeant finally gained the time and freedom to hone his talents and merciless vocabulary at open mic sessions, street corner ciphers, talents shows and college radio stations. In 1994, Rhym recorded his first demo and subsequently returned to N.J. to sharpen his sword even further. Bear witness to Rhymageddon, "The sultan of insulting blocks of mental munchkins a line from his street banger Rip a MuhFucka Night." off of his 2009 solo EP "HORSEPOWER PLUS HANDLING" available now on Rhymageddon.Bandcamp.com. The success of his debut EP independent project led to numerous #SpitSergeantShows all over NJ, NY and PA. The next step was branching out to the MidWest and the West coast with his new project (M.A.S.H.) May Actually Save Hip-Hop produced entirely by DJ Ment Plus (AkaiPros & BoomSkwad) and DivineDrummah from Trenton NJ. This project continues to be heavily spun on internet radio shows and throughout the blogsophere. Rhymageddon felt that workign on a solo EP seemed selfish, so while recording and mixing his own sessions he reached out to fellow NJ artists to work on the full-legnth project "Sergeant of Spit". SOS is filled with cameos galore from the #NJHipHop family again showcasing his collaborative ability along with desire to put on upcoming Jersey artists on the map.
Rhymageddon's continues to push the envelop of lyricism and headnod music with the digital release of SuckaClip produced by Edobeci. On it, the Sergeant of Spit takes aim at the bloggers who claim to support good music that rarely sees the light of day. The hook purposely pokes fun at those who revert back to the trivial music already popular on the radio to achieve higher viewership of their prospective blogs. "The Rap Games crazy and it trendy to rhyme like you were dropped on your head as a baby" The video, shot by LifeIronic focuses on the grittier side of Rhym's music and his brooding presence that can be caught at his live shows. 2013 is off to a great start with the digital release of "Vaccine" featuring internationally known underground starving artist John Robinson aka Lil Sci. Expect a video for this soon.
Rhymageddon is truly the End of All Rhymes!!
For bookings contact infpowermg@gmail.com
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