Jenn Bostic
Nashville, Tennessee, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | INDIE | AFM
Jenn Bostic and Connie Lim at Hotel Café, L.A.: Two very different, young, promising singer/songwriters who have been touring under the auspices of former Yahoo! Music and CMT exec Jay Frank’s innovative DigSinlabel, which offers free digital downloads to help seed the viral process. Playing before a sold-out house, the comely Bostic, the Philadelphia-born, but small-town Minnesota-raised artist and Berklee School of Musicalum stood behind the keyboards fronting her tight four-piece band. The now-Nashville-based performer has a bit of a country-blues feel that has led to comparisons toEmmylou Harris and Bonnie Raitt, starting off with “Let’s Get Ahead of Ourselves” and “Wait for Me,” two co-writes with “Jar of Hearts” producer Barrett Yeretsian, who looked on proudly from an audience that included her mom, to whom she dedicated the latter. “Change” is a charmingly feisty rebuke to all those country label execs who told her she was “too pop,” while she introduces “Hipsters” by playfully revealing, “I don’t date boys with tighter pants than I wear.” “Snowstorm” shows her rock side, while “Not Yet,” another Yeretsian collaboration, is a showstopper. Sitting solo at the piano, she launches into the YouTube hit “Jealous of the Angels,” a song she sings to and for her late father, who died in a car crash while she sat in the back seat on the way to school as a 10-year-old. It’s a song that connects with anyone who has lost a loved one, and is currently gaining a following in the U.K., where it was played on national outlet Smooth Radio by legendary British DJ Simon Bates. Palos Verdes native and UC Berkeley med school dropout Connie Lim is another story altogether, with a blues-soul sound that evokes the sultry style of Norah Jones along with the idiosyncratic stylings of Feist,Regina Spektor and Imogen Heap, with a healthy dose of Joni Mitchell, too. She’s remarkably accomplished and has an easy manner that seduces the audience on songs like “L.A. City,” “Thee She Walks Again” and “Fog Over Water.” The two have embarked on a multi-city tour that, through just their Facebook fan pages, has drawn audiences of between 100-200 at every stop, which is pretty impressive when you come to think of it. Frank is doing a nice job of developing these acts, making them road-ready and nurturing their recording abilities. Keep an eye on these two…they’re going places. - Roy Trakin of Hits Magazine
This Impression is sponsored by AFTERHOURSRADIO.ORG
My first question is how in the hell is someone “too pop for country”? Today’s country music… well anyway. This is about Jenn Bostic, not my opinion on country music.
Jenn Bostic
However, with that said, if the world has a place in their heart for the T-Swifts and Lady As who consistently make country/pop hit after hit there certainly should be a place for the likes of Jenn Bostic, a Minnesota girl who now calls Nashville home.
In 2009 I heard Jenn’s debut album (“Looking For Love“) and fell in love with the bright, pop tinged country sounds it poured from my car speakers as I cruised around St. Louis Park, MN.
Then, two years later as I started After Hours Radio I re-connected with Jenn as she prepared to launch her “Change” EP.
We spoke on the phone about the new sound of her music, her touching single “Jealous of the Angels” and the driving forces behind “Change.”
Jenn’s music has never been lacking in delivery. Even on her debut album she sounded strong and confident, but there’s definitely something different on the sophomore album.
Where “Looking for Love” delivers listener’s more of a down-home country girl vibe, “Change” is just that. A change in direction that possibly could have been the best choice of the 25 year old singers career. Or the worst if you are a closed minded country fan.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still the same Jenn Bostic on the album, but a Jenn Bostic that has dug a little deeper into the world of music, and the digging shows.
Jenn’s approach is less backwoods country and more soulful, sunny “Americana” pop.
I say “Americana” pop because, while it certainly is a departure from her first album, it’s not a far cry from her “roots” in country music. Perhaps, it would be fair to say that Jenn took the pop tinged country thing and went country tinged pop? At any rate it’s working. If you dig Sara Bareilles and the like, you will definitely dig Jenn Bostic.
- RYAN QUINN of After Hours Radio
Two weeks ago Minnesota born singer/songwriter Jenn Bostic made her European debut by opening up for Christian Kane in the UK., of which you can see a video below. Also being able to play on the BBC Breakfast Show and for Smooth Radio, of which you can also see a video below, both BBC radio 2 and Smooth Radio have added Jenn’s current single ‘Jealous of Angels’ to their play lists. Now that she’s back home she took the time to reflect and talk to us in this interview.
You recently traveled to the UK to play several venues with Christian Kane, Brian Nutter and The Life of Riley. Can you tell us a bit more about the whole trip?
The trip was absolutely incredible! Christian, Brian and The Life of Riley were like big brothers who I was absolutely honored to share the stage with! CK has amazing fans and they welcomed me into the family with open arms! I had to keep pinching myself to know I wasn’t dreaming. The support from everyone on the tour was overwhelming. It made for a perfect first tour in the UK.
How did you manage to get that spot?
By the grace of God! It was a last minute decision as someone else had dropped off the tour, and CK’s manager is good friends with a member of our team. With the support from Smooth Radio and BBC Radio 2, it made sense to join the guys and wow am I glad I did!
How have the reactions been?
Overwhelming! People were so warm and encouraging! The two favorite songs seemed to be “Jealous of the Angels” and “Not Yet.” It was so nice to get to know a few people and hear their stories!
You played on the BBC breakfast show and your album went straight to #1!!! How does it feel to get such a great reaction from a crowd that has never heard you play before?
I am completely humbled by the entire situation. I did not confirm the BBC Breakfast performance until the day before I left for the states. It was an honor to have that opportunity and the fact that people responded so passionately means the absolute world to me. I performed my song “Jealous of the Angels,” which is a tribute to my father who passed away in a car accident when I was ten. He was the first one to ever encourage me to play music, and it’s through my songwriting and performance that I can still feel connected to him today. It means the world to me that out of such tragedy, God gave me a song that is instilling hope and comfort to people around the globe. It’s something so much bigger than I can take credit for.
Reaching #1 on the charts has been a dream of mine since I started writing songs. It was all so surreal. Amazon pushed the release of the physical album after my performance on Breakfast because there was such a large response. I am so grateful to everyone at BBC and everyone who tuned in for such a life changing experience.
What did you learn during this tour? Is Europe a big difference compared to the US?
Oh my goodness, what didn’t I learn? Christian Kane is an amazing performer and person. Each night, he went out on stage and introduced me to his adoring fans before I played. It set an amazing tone to the room and it made things so easy. All the guys were incredibly supportive and wanted the best for everyone else. Those are the kind of people I want to tour with.
I learned so much about the history of England and got to see so many sights I’ve only read about. I learned a lot about the culture and met so many amazing people. There are definitely differences in how the music is received in Europe and the US, but at the end of the day, music is a universal language and the stories of how it heals and comforts people across the globe never seizes to amaze me.?
Can you tell us a bit more about the album? Is it true that it was released early to the UK/European public?
Yes! I got a big box of CDs to sell at the shows and help get the word out about the new album. The official release date is December 3rd, when it will be made available in stores, but it is currently available for download on iTunes and the physical CD is available on Amazon.
“Jealous” is a really special album for me. I struggled with artist identity a few years back after releasing my debut pop/country album “Keep Lookin’ For Love.” I was trying to fit in some sort of box that I thought the record labels wanted instead of writing straight from my heart. Jealous” centers itself around “Jealous of the Angels,” a song that means so much to me and my family, and it also shows such a clear snapshot of who I am, dreams I have, and life messages that are important to me. I’m so excited to continue sharing it with people around the world.
We’re not one to put labels on people but how would you describe your music? Country/indie/pop?
I’m a singer/songwriter. I think the best genre to place me in would be Adult Contemporary Pop. Some people still hear a bit of country in my voice and songs, but in Nashville the general comment is that I’m just “too pop for country.”
How did you get started in this business?
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember! As I mentioned earlier, my dad was the first one to ever encourage me to play music, and there were many family sing-a-longs around dad’s guitar growing up. After I lost him in the accident I felt like Music was the only way I could connect with him. I remember sitting down at the piano for the first time after his passing. I closed my eyes and I just started playing. It felt like he was standing over my shoulder. Songwriting became therapy for me, the only true outlet for my emotions.
I attended Berklee College of Music from 2004-2008, studying music education, and soon after moved to Nashville, Tennessee to record my first album “Keep Lookin’ For Love.” It has been such an amazing journey full of long hours, hard work and a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ve still got so much more to give and so much further to go.
How does the songwiting process work for you?
Each song follows its’ own unique path into existence. Sometimes I start with the music, sometimes a topic, sometimes I’m just riding along in my car and words find their way into my head. However they come about, they usually start from some sort of emotion stirring inside me. I’m a compassionate person so if I hear a story or see a movie that touches makes me feel something; I usually take on enough of that emotion to get a song out of it. The best ones seem to come from personal experiences though.
Do you have performances planned? Are you planning to come back to Europe again?
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love it over there! I’m hoping to get back to the UK very soon. I wont know any details for a week or two, but in the meantime I’m very excited to spend the holidays with my family and play a few shows in my homestate of Minnesota. I will also be doing an online stage it show for charity in December. - MARLOES LUCY DUIZER of The Music Press
During her debut tour of the UK, TMP caught up with number one singer/songwriter to chat about the amazing response surrounding the release of her sophomore album, Jealous.
Support for Jenn has flourished and new fans have unanimously taken her music to their hearts; in particular, the track "Jealous of the Angels", a powerful ballad in which Jenn opens up to reveal her inner most feelings of losing her father at a young age.
With her powerful voice, emotive songwriting and infectious personality, Jenn Bostic holds a natural talent that has left live audiences stunned in wonderment and yearning for more.
Ladies and Gentlemen… this is Jenn Bostic - The Music Press (Manchester, UK)
Jenn, great vocals....the whole band was awesome...good job getting everyone in the audience involved. Would love to hear more from you...Keep singing...smiling, and working that body!!!!! I wish all of you the best of luck during your time touring for troops! - Tony Mottas
Excellent show, the best we have had at Q West - and we have had some good ones. Thank you for making the effort and taking the time to come and play for us. - Geff Davey
"That night the door was opened for many to hear her emotive signature song live for the first time and three and a half years on, ‘Jealous of the Angels’ possesses the same personal therapy to move both artist and audience alike." - Three Chords and the Truth
"It’s unusual to find one such songwriter who resonates so deeply with your own hopes and dreams, your fears and demons – and so about 4 years ago when I first heard Jenn Bostic sing live on stage, I was bowled over. Her passion and determination were so encouraging, and her voice had so much depth and honesty, that I was instantly hooked on whatever she could teach me about not giving up on my dreams, about being myself, and about fighting to come through the other side of whatever snowstorm I was going through." - Smiley.net
"The Philadelphia born Bostic on the other hand takes your heart. The moment in ‘Jealous Of The Angels’ where her voice cracks and a tears falls has the galvanising effect on her colleagues, as well as the full house crowd who take up any slack and sing the lyrics back, it’s a genuinely touching moment." - The Digital Fix
"I have always believed if you’re watching a performance and you get shivers across your neck and down your spine then you know you’re watching something special. The first of these moments came from Jenn Bostic’s performance of ‘Little Grace’, her warming gentle voice turns to a loud, powerful booming voice hitting notes, which anyone would be proud of, she wouldn’t have needed the microphone." - Keep Your Head Up
"Jenn’s signature powerhouse vocals and playful, emotive songwriting make her a stand-out, memorable performer, all of which was on show in its full glory in the stripped back and intimate environment. The power of her music was evident as ever as fans sang-along, laughed and wept. Jenn, who has a new album on the way, is a bountiful musical force." - Entertainment Focus
"There were some great moments throughout the night but what really stood out for me was Jenn's final performance, a rendition of her hit Jealous Of The Angels...Jenn delivered an emotive, heartfelt performance that is sure to have touched everybody there and is certainly the first time I have ever cried at any point during any live performance - it was stunning...Jenn has a great vocal and also manages to pour pleasantly surprising power into her voice without loosing control at any point." - Hitting All The Right Notes
Over the past two years, US singer-songwriter Jenn Bostic has been pouring her heart into creating what she believes to be the best record she's ever made.
And the results of those efforts is an album called Revival, which is a blend of blues, soul, country, pop and gospel.
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To celebrate the release of "her most authentic album yet", the Nashville-based singer performed the song Love You in a special music session at Moxe Studio in “Music City”, Tennessee, with co-writer and guitarist Bart Walker.
The song, which you can see performed above, is a soulful ballad about the universal human condition of true love and commitment.
"We wrote the song about the power of love and the passion behind committing your life to someone," explains Bostic.
"If I'm going to be putting a message out into the world, I want it to be one of hope, love and positivity.
"We see life through the lenses with which choose to look at it."
Jenn Bostic
The album Revival, Bostic's fourth studio LP, was produced by Grammy award winner Paul Salveson and recorded at House of Blues Studios.
It contains a host of Bostic's musical influences and has "been a long time coming".
"So it’s got gospel, it’s got bluesy, soul, pop, a little bit of country," says Bostic.
"There’s a lot of different things in it, but it’s the music my heart has been longing to make.
"I grew up listening to the bluesy, soulful sounds of Bonnie Raitt and Janis Joplin, and that really raw soulful sound has always inspired me.
"I just went in the studio to record this album and said 'this is what I want to do, to make this music and have fun with it'."
The album, which is the follow-up to the critically acclaimed LP Faithful, is an honest, soulful and empowering collection about overcoming any obstacle that life throws at you.
"[The album Revival] is full of hope. The vision is to empower the listener to believe they can overcome the obstacles in their life," she says.
But, as Bostic also explains, music is also a great way to break down barriers.
"Music has a way of tearing down walls. I’ve learned that if I vulnerably share my heart through the songs I write, it allows people the freedom to share their own stories and it might stir up emotions.
"I believe it’s my purpose to bring hope and positivity to the world through the music I create."
Jenn Bostic
In 2012, Bostic received five Independent Country Music Association Awards, including Best Songwriter, Best Female Artist and Overall Winner.
She also performed for the late Terry Wogan as part of a special St Patrick’s Day show.
This was followed, in 2015, by an invite to perform on TV programme Songs of Praise, where she sang her song Little Grace.
In October 2017, Bostic was named International Touring Artist of the Year at the British Country Music Association Awards.
She has performed sold-out tours across the United States and Europe, opening for Richard Marx, Christian Kane and The Band Perry at venues that have included The Grand Ole Opry, The Ryman Auditorium and Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City.
And she has no plans to slow down. She has just finished a UK tour, which included her biggest ever UK headline gig at Bush Hall in London.
The album Revival is out now - Daily Telegraph
Country music artist Jenn Bostic’s new single ‘Faint Of Heart’ is a beautiful, heartfelt song that is not only making waves in the country world but is also helping a charitable cause very close to Bostic’s heart; Whole Planet foundation.
The track was released on March 8th, and for the whole of this month 50% of all proceeds from downloads of the single will be donated directly to the Whole Planet Foundation. Along with releasing a song for the charity, Jenn Bostic has also been named as the Artist Ambassador of the Southwest Invasion benefiting Whole Planet foundation, at SXSW in Austin, Texas.
The annual benefit concert series returns to SXSW on March 15-17, and new to this year’s event is the Artist Ambassador, a role Jenn was born to play. With her genuine compassion and commitment to helping those less fortunate, the singer was a natural pick for the role. Speaking about her role, the star says; “I am super-excited to be the first Artist Ambassador. Whole Planet’s mission is to alleviate local and global poverty through microcredit and I am thrilled to be able to call attention to their important work through my music.”
The single is lifted off Jenn Bostic’s upcoming new album ‘Revival’, which has been produced by six-time Grammy award winner, Paul Salveson, and features a blend of blues, soul, country, pop and gospel. It is her most authentic album to date, an honest, soulful and empowering collection about overcoming any obstacle that life throws at you. The LP will be released May 4th.
And now, Bostic has released the official lyric music video for ‘Faint Of Heart’. The clip was shot in Iceland. Speaking further about the new single, the singer/songwriter says; “Faint of Heart is my favourite song off my upcoming album “Revival.” I’ve been an independent artist and entrepreneur for the last decade, and this is my honest, vulnerable story of chasing this beautiful, sometimes heartbreaking dream. - Lyric Magazine
On May 4th, the critically acclaimed U.S. singer songwriter Jenn Bostic returns with her beautiful new album, Revival.
Written over the last two years, ‘Revival’ is the follow up to Jenn’s 2015 album Faithful, which included the BBC Radio 2 playlisted single, What Love Feels Like. Returning with the blend of blues, soul, country, pop and gospel that’s already won her an army of fans, Revival is her most authentic album yet. “It’s the album my heart has been longing to make,” says Nashville based Jenn. “I grew up listening to the bluesy, soulful sounds of Bonnie Raitt and have fallen in love with Tedeschi Trucks. When I went into House of Blues Studio in Nashville to record this album I knew exactly what I wanted for the first time in my career.”
And it shows. The result is an honest, soulful and empowering collection about overcoming any obstacle that life throws at you. Showcasing experienced song writing and confident vocals Revival is the sound of an accomplished artist making the music they want to make. “I’ve gone through a decade of artist development and I’m incredibly grateful for that time of growth and experimenting with different sounds, styles and producers,” says Jenn. “With Revival we had all the musicians in a large studio, at the same time, capturing a moment. It’s my favorite way to make music.”
Highlights include the bluesy opener, Wrong Thing about trusting your heart, and the powerful Haunting Me, about a flashback you don’t want to remember. The upbeat pop of Hollywood is one of the album’s brightest moments, whilst the contemplative ballad Lonely and the rock infused Follow Your Own Star showcase Jenn’s positivity. “If I’m going to be putting a message out into the world I want it to be one of hope, love and positivity” says Jenn. “We see life through the lenses with which choose to look at it. I choose joy.”
Other standouts include the honesty of Faint of Heart, a personal favourite of Jenn’s. “It shares my story in the most vulnerable way. When you’re chasing a dream, doubt is inevitable, but if you believe you’re chasing your purpose, then it doesn’t matter how many times you circle the mountain, you have to keep circling.” There’s also the soulful country vibes of Love Song and the empowering Before It Gets Better. The life affirming Gotta Be You is an anthem for anyone that feels different and don’t miss the album’s lead single Revival, an uplifting gospel song about the power of positive thinking.
Recorded at House of Blues Studios in Nashville, Tennessee, and produced by six-time Grammy award winner, Paul Salveson, Revival is Jenn’s 4th studio album. It follows an impressive career, which has included an appearance on BBC Breakfast in 2012, performing her breakthrough single Jealous of the Angels. Written for her late father, the song was championed by both Smooth Radio and BBC Radio 2 and hit Number 1 on the singer songwriter chart, with now over 3 million views on YouTube.
In 2015 she was invited to perform on Songs of Praise, singing her track Little Grace from her album Faithful. She was the First American Independent Artist to have their first three singles playlisted at BBC Radio 2. In 2012 she was the recipient of five Independent Country Music Association Awards including “Best Songwriter,” “Best Female Artist” and “Overall Winner.” She had the honor of performing on Weekend Wogan for the late Sir Terry as part of a special St. Patrick’s Day show, as well as Good Morning Sunday.
In September 2017, Jenn returned to the Radio 2 Playlist with her single What Love Feels Like and in October Jenn was named “International Touring Artist of the Year” at the British Country Music Association Awards.
Jenn has performed sold out tours across the United States and Europe, and has opened for the likes of Richard Marx, Christian Kane and The Band Perry. Venues have included The Grand Ole Opry, The Ryman Auditorium and Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City. Her new UK tour kicks off on 21st February and sees her performing across the country, and includes her biggest ever UK headline show, at London’s prestigious Bush Hall on May 1st. - Maverick Magazine
Live Reviews
Jenn Bostic, Emma Stevens, Megan O'Neill & Laura Oakes - Bush Hall
May 3, 2018
Words Chris Farlie Pictures Andy Webb
Bush Hall seems to be fast becoming the venue synonymous with fantastic Americana shows, somehow the grandeur of the building, and the audiences the venue attracts seem to bring out the best in whoever performs there. Tonight with the audience split between a mixture of tables towards the front of the stage and normal seating for the rest of the hall there was a nice relaxed vibe around the room before a note was even struck.
The news that support was to be an "In The Round" session with Emma Stevens, Megan O'Neill and Laura Oakes only made the evening even better. Jenn Bostic an independent artist herself, has long made it a point of handing out support slots to other UK independents and what a joy it was to see these ladies take to the stage in such a prestige venue.
Round One commenced with Emma Stevens, risking it all on the very first song with a bit of audience participation on "Make My Day".. Perched somewhat perilously on a high stool her poppy opening immediately relaxed the audience and brought a bit of warmth into what was an unusually cold Bush Hall. Megan O'Neill fresh from her album launch last week was sat behind a keyboard and eschewed the chance to give it an early plug instead opting for the fan favourite song "Half Of Myself" famous for it's misheard line about the "Station without any loo". Megan's voice seemed to explode around the room and the simplicity of just voice and piano reminded us ( as if we needed it ) of just how fantastic she can be without a band. Mentioning those performing without a band neatly brings us to Laura Oakes, who may moons ago was quite oft to be found in a support slot playing solo and it was a joy to see her once again in this raw format. Her opening song "Glitter" from her most recent EP, was dedicated to Emma's glittery tights, it is a song that always brings a smile to the faces of an audience and was a perfect closer to the round.
The second round once again started with Emma who was able to put some context around her song "Sunflower" which is the joy of the "In The Round" environment. It was a quite beautiful performance earning Emma well deserved recognition and it was great to see Megan mouthing the lyrics as Emma sung, emphasising just how well these artists know each others work. Megan contributed "Don't Say It's Over" which is from her forthcoming album, which was totally absorbing and to close out a quite stunning round Laura Oakes returned to her latest EP for the excellent "Nashville Stole Your Girl", once again confirming her status as one of UK Country' s finest singers as she extracted every ounce of emotion into her performance
The reason this round worked so well was the perfect balance of the individuals, 2 guitars, and one keyboard, Emma with her pop sensibilities, mixing with Megan's keyboard driven ballads, leading to Laura's more country leaning tunes all sung to perfection. Emma was to go to the well of audience participation once again for her final song "Riptide" and was rewarded with a full Bush Hall clapping along with her uptempo tune. Megan was to mine her new album for "Without" which came with an impossibly catchy chorus. Laura went back to those original solo days for her closing song "Snakes and Ladders", and was truly touched to see Bush Hall providing the backing vocals as requested. It blended that well let's hope it is an experience that they can repeat at some future date.
With her band already running through the opening bars of "Wrong Thing" Jenn Bostic took to the stage in a red jumpsuit and rocked Bush Hall with her punchy rocking sound in her usual position standing behind her keyboard. The second song "Haunting Me" saw the arrival of her backing singers Natalie Palmer and the magnificent Kyshona standing almost statuesque with a wonderful grace and presence who bolstered the sound even more. The quiet intro to "Not Yet" beautifully set the scene for what becomes the bombastic chorus that shakes you to the very core.
The new album "Revival" has a wonderful gospel / blues sound running through it and "Lonely" was to provide a visit to the new soulful blues sound of her set with Jenn singing the opening verse, Kyshona letting rip on the second verse before both voices joined together for the remainder of the song. The audience was given its usual vocal and physical work out that is "Hollywood". Having seen the band a few months earlier in a snowbound London at the Hospital Club, it was great to marvel at how well they've developed as a unit. The new album is full of delights that all transfer well into the live arena, such as the Sarah Darling co write "Follow Your Own Star" which melds together snappy lyrics in the verses with a rocky chorus, while "Love You" a tribute to her husband was spectacular, with guest Dean Roberts providing backing vocals. When the song reached the key change it took things to another level literally and metaphorically.
Always expect the unexpected at a Jenn Bostic show - so when she gestured to one of the photographers during the blues of Bonnie Raitt's "Love Me Like A Man" to come on stage you might have imagined it was to capture a special moment on his camera, instead Andy Teo took over from Jenn on keyboards even throwing in his own solo, as did each member of the band in what turned out to be a mini showcase of their talents.
At this point, to calm every one down while still keeping the Bonnie Raitt theme going, the band vacated the stage to leave Jenn alone to play a magnificent version of "I Can't Make You Love Me" to a deathly silent hall. The solo set continued with another extraordinary vocal performance on "If You See Him". The mood was lightened with "I Just Don't Like You At All" which got many approving nods from the ladies in the house for its depictions of male failings, before Jenn once again held us in her grip with the emotional honesty of the lyrics of "Faint Of Heart".
The band returned for the closing section of songs which saw the classic pop of "Too Easy" and the empowering words that come from "Lamp", when the vocalists sang "Nothing's going to stop me" there was no denying that is was sung with real conviction. To close out the main set, there was a welcome return for all of the artists from the round who filled the tiny stage to provide additional backing vocals for "Revival". By the time it came to a close the good time feeling filled the venue and in our own way I think we felt blessed to have been able to share the evening.
It was not over yet, with two more aces to be played, "Jealous Of The Angels" loses none of it is power no matter how many times you hear it, if anything its pull becomes ever greater, and tonight the emotional power was immense with many people ending the song with a tear in the eye. It perfectly segued into "Amazing Grace" with Jenn taking the vocals first time round while for the reprise the audience sung in unison a capella. A final burst of sheer good time feeling came with "What Loves Feel Like" which segued into "People Get Ready" with Jenn, Natalie and Kyshona each taking a verse while the band once again showcase their talents.
Jenn's evening was not quite complete as she rushed to the merch table to say hello, and to hug as many people as she could in the time before curfew. Some times the stars collide and an event could not possibly have been any better, tonight was one of those nights.
Jenn Bostic & Laura Oakes will return to Buckle & Boots in June.22-24th 2018 - W21 Music
For the Dreamers,
I don't have all the answers, I haven't accomplished all my goals. Even when I do, I'll dream up a few more that are just out of reach — because that's what we do. We're dreamers. Visionaries. My dream involves singing and writing songs, connecting with an audience, and trying to spread love into the world through my music. However, there is doubt and insecurity in the details.
I've loved music for as long as I can remember. My parents constantly encouraged my brother and me to sing in choirs and play instruments. I never fully understood my need for this musical outlet until my father was killed in a car accident when I was 10. I felt like no one in the world knew what I was going through. The only way I could express the pain, confusion, anger, and sadness I felt was by sitting down at the piano. Songwriting became my therapy. Somehow the words I couldn't bring myself to say, I sang. It gave me freedom and purpose; it brought breath back into my lungs.
inRead invented by Teads
That's why I started writing music. It wasn't for applause or radio play; it was to heal my broken heart. I didn't want to do anything else with my life so I chased that feeling all the way to college, and then all the way to Nashville. I was young, determined, and encouraged by everyone around me. I knew I was chasing the dream I was meant to chase, and I'll never forget the feeling I had as I ripped the plastic off the first copy of my debut album.
Courtesy: Jenn Bostic
Courtesy: Jenn Bostic
I carried that CD into fancy music industry offices with all the confidence in the world. I was told I "wasn't ready yet," that I was "too pop for country and too country for pop." I had a "good voice" but needed to develop it. My songs were "great, but not quite ready for a publishing deal." I was crushed. They were right, but I was crushed.
As a songwriter, I vulnerably pour my heart into the songs I write. If someone doesn't like my songs, they don't like me. I know that sounds dramatic, I just reread it. But as an artist, I have all the feelings and, as much as I try to take my emotions out of it, I can't. However, I am well aware that I have chosen to work in the music business. Business means that people are expecting to make money in their jobs. If a record label executive can't see a vision for financial gain with the music I'm creating, I don't want them to sign me. The only thing more frustrating than knocking on a door that wont open would be sitting on a shelf while someone else decides when, where, and how I get to release the music I'm creating. Even so, that logic doesn't make it any easier when I play my favorite song for a room full of suits that have nothing more to say than, "thanks for coming in." Truth is, I not so secretly want them to jump up and down and say that my song is the best song they've ever heard. When they don't, I start to question everything. There go those emotions again.
If you had told me when I started this career that after a decade of working in this industry I would still be independent, self-funded, and booking my own shows, I might have run in the other direction. But here I am. Somehow the bills are always paid, and I've learned so much more than any book or class could teach me by working hard, making mistakes, and celebrating every single win. I now see the beauty, the luxury, and the freedom in being independent. Of course I still dream about having a record deal, going on tour with Bonnie Raitt, and accepting a Grammy, but I have come to realize that positivity and gratitude are the two essential keys to a happy life.
After four self-released albums, a No. 1 song, major radio play, television performances, international tours, and a humbling amount of awards, it doesn't get easier — and I'm not getting any younger. As time ticks on, there is a whole new set of life challenges to face and questions to answer. Yes, sometimes it feels like swimming through quicksand, but staying positive is the only way I can keep circling this mountain of a dream. It won't change a single thing to blame those who don't see my vision the way I do, or become frustrated when my peers experience an opportunity that wasn't meant for me. So friends, hold on to the hope that your door will open exactly when it's supposed to. And in the moments you want to quit so bad it hurts to breathe, remember that your dream is your oxygen — and dreaming was never meant to be for the faint of heart.
Jenn Bostic - aplus
Singer-songwriter Jenn Bostic has released her latest studio album, "Revival." Digital Journal exclusively premieres her video for the title track.
The words and the music of "Revival" are by Jenn Bostic, James C Goodfellow and Jesse Nemitz, and the video is by Yulia Hauer, which features Bostic performing the title track tune live from Bush Hall in London.
The songstress posses a crystalline yet powerful voice, and this performance of "Revival" is one of the best showcases of that. Revival hit the No. 1 spot on the iTunes Singer-Songwriter charts in the United Kingdom upon its release, as well as No. 12 in the United States. Her music encompasses elements of country, Christian, pop, adult contemporary and even blues.
Bostic noted that "Revival is an album that blurs the lines of pop, gospel, blues, and roots music." "It is full of hope. The vision is to empower the listener to believe they can overcome the obstacles in their life," she added.
Back In 2012, Bostic's song "Jealous of the Angels" was the recipient of five awards at the Independent Country Music Association Awards. The song went on to reach No. 1 on the singer-songwriter charts in the United Kingdom.
Revival is available on iTunes, and on Spotify.
To learn more about singer-songwriter Jenn Bostic and her new "Revival" video, check out her official Facebook page, and follow her on Twitter.
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/music/exclusive-premiere-of-revival-video-by-jenn-bostic/article/523259#ixzz5ILXtDItF - Digital Journal
Keep Lookin' For Love LP 2009
Change 2011 EP
Jealous 2012 (UK & Ireland Only) LP
Jealous 2013 (Worldwide) LP
Faithful 2015 - LP
"What Love Feels Like (Radio Edit)" - Single 2016

Jenn Bostic is a Minnesota native, currently residing in Nashville, Tennessee. Her emotive songwriting and powerful vocals have been touching hearts around the world. "Jealous of the Angels," a song written for her late father, allowed her to connect with her fans in a remarkable way.
"Jealous of the Angels," was discovered by Smooth Radio's Simon Bates, where the song immediately jumped into the station's Top 10 Most Played. the song was soon playlisted on BBC Radio 2, and after a live performance on BBC Breakfast it went #1 on the iTunes singer-songwriter chart in the UK.
In 2012, Bostic received 5 Independent Country Music Association Awards, including "Best Female Artist," and "Best Songwriter." She has performed across the US, as well as the UK, Ireland, Sweden, and Germany, including venues such as The Grand Ole Opry, The Ryman Auditorium, and Jazz at Lincoln Center. She has opened for artists such as The Band Perry, Eric Paslay, Richard Marx, and Christian Kane.
June 1, 2015, Bostic released her her third album "Faithful." Debuting on popular UK television program Songs of Praise. Her single "What Love Feels Like (Radio Edit)" spent four weeks on the BBC Radio 2 playlist, which was accompanied by a sold out tour across the UK during the fall of 2016.
She has just released her latest album "Revival," which debuted at #1 (UK) and #12 (US) on the iTunes singer/songwriter chart.
Blurring the lines of pop, soul, gospel and blues, this songwriter is making waves around the world.
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