Waterbury, CT | Established. Jan 01, 1991
I'm about 80 posts into this sparkling dumb excuse for a blog, and so far I haven't really gotten around to writing about a lot of the bands from the Danbury/Waterbury scene that made up the core of Brushback's coverage back in the 90's-- bands like Atlas, The Differents, Creature Did, Explodee, Grand Passion (though they were from New London), Damien Pratt and Nevertheless, and so forth. So to start catching up a bit, here's the first single from what was might've been the best Waterbury band of that time-- Farmertan, dopey picture sleeve and all.
I can understand how this could be just another easily forgotten indie rock single to most people who aren't from around here, but to me, it was a revelation. See, I'd dropped out of the scene for a few years back in the early 90's, after spending a bunch of years putting out a zine and going to shows, and at the time I left there wasn't much of a scene in Waterbury to speak of. A couple of good record stores, maybe, but not really any working bands or places to play-- at least none that I remember. When I got back into things, I found that the local scene had obviously benefitted from not having me around; not only were there now Waterbury bands playing out regularly who were actually good, but at least one of them (meaning Farmertan, though you can put Nevertheless on the list, too) even seemed to have the same appreciation for The Replacements and Small and Superchunk that I did. I mean, it was practically a miracle! Or something.
The CD that Famertan put out afterwards sorta blows this single away, both sonically and with better songs, but I've always had a soft spot for this single because Paul's voice sounds a lot rougher and more Westerberg-like compared to Farmertan's non-basement recordings. I've also always liked the b-side, "Waterfall", better than the a-side, but I tend to be wrong about those things. Not that the a-side is bad, mind you, plus it has that little dub intro that reaches back to SSD's "Get It Away" if you choose to think about it in that sense. - Brushback blog
"You guys are pretty tight" - Mike Watt
"it's good, but not my cup o' tea" - Jeffrey
2008 "Simpatico" single release, Sirius Satellite Radio play; winner, semi finalist/Goldies Garage
{best unsigned band in america competition}
WHUS UConn Radio Storrs
WRTC Trinity College Radio Hartford
WYBC Yale University Radio, New Haven
WNHU University of New Haven Radio

Farmertan is a three piece garage/indie/lo fi rock band centered in Connecticut- exactly half way between NewYork City and Boston. There are no gimmicks with Farmertan, a band that admittedly takes the powerful approach to songwriting and performance, expressing emotion and passion through guitars and drums. At times, the band’s sound has been compared to the Replacements, the Lemonheads, and Sugar. Farmertan has various influences, ranging from The Beatles and the Who, right up through Husker Du and the Pixies. Comparisons aside, Farmertan has crafted its own unique sound.
Paul Daddario-vocals and guitar, James Plouffe -drums, and Matt Galvin - bass guitar, backing vocals.
Farmertan has all the seasoned soul that comes with a fantastic resume´ of shows and recordings. Farmertan has credits including various stages throughout New England- also New York City at various venues including a handful of shows at the legendary CBGB's. The band is comfortable in a small club or a big open outdoor event. Farmertan has shared the stage with Mike Watt, Bright Eyes, Archers of Loaf, the lily's, Apples in Stereo, Velvet Crush, Velocity Girl, Tuscadero, Southern Culture on the Skids, Luna and Many more.
Contact Paul @ 860-417-9798
Contact Matt @ 203-217-9969 (booking, licensing)
Band Members